
Comment history with freeflow


Displaying 41 - 60 of 64 comments

Oh how do I put my music player under statistics. Like yours. Not trying to be a Swagga Jacka.

Posted by HoodNigga on May 26, 07 8:20 pm

Its because were black. So they wont call us back until 2009.

Unlike Marcus? But Alicia was in a movie. ANd I specifically told Common to keep his hands off my woman. So I had beef with Common. But I saw him in the studio the other day and we squashed it. He knows what will happen next time.

Posted by HoodNigga on May 26, 07 8:19 pm

I gave this lady my name and I've been waiting for the same thing.. never happened. Don't count on Alicia. She hasn't done much in a bit, she might just go broke herself. Unlike Marques.


Posted by freeflow on May 26, 07 4:23 pm

LOL but I will use your money sparingly. No joke though, I applied for a job, and I've been waiting for that phone call saying "Son you got the job".

And Im not just broke. I have Alicia Keys by my side. =D

Posted by HoodNigga on May 26, 07 3:26 am

KC , your going to have to get a job too. Because this use Toya's money isn't working out. After I marry Marques alright we can work something out. Till then get your lazy ass up and out and get a damn job. :]

Posted by freeflow on May 26, 07 3:20 am

Wow Toya is a mob boss =O . Yeah well I owe the italian mob some money can you help out?

Posted by HoodNigga on May 26, 07 3:17 am

Well atleast you'll do the smart thing. Don't worry if someone trys to kill you just tell me I'll get my Mafia on them. Too bad my Mafia has no skills so I can't guarantee you'll live. But its worth a try.

Posted by freeflow on May 26, 07 3:15 am

ROFL no Im just going to run until I can't see nothing behind me.

Posted by HoodNigga on May 26, 07 3:08 am

So your a thug , yet you know programming. So when your on the street and some guy has a gun at you , are you like "Don't make me pull out my javascript on you beeeettchhh!" ?

Posted by freeflow on May 26, 07 3:04 am

Haha you starting to sound like Suzzette with the height thing.

But nah I have a couple of more pics. I just need a digital camera of my own , then I could prove my blackness. Because I'm really a thug. =]

Posted by HoodNigga on May 26, 07 2:59 am

He's so cute on One on One and too damn short. We're going to have to work on his height. Well hey no one knows your blackness for sure. You show everyone that one picture of you in a suit. Puahaha that could be a picture off of google! Plus don't be sad if you're really the white and nerdy guy. I love that video I give him props for that one. Plus it would make more sense about how you had a pretty ricky phase. Is it comming back? I see that song down there! ;)

Posted by freeflow on May 26, 07 2:56 am

Hahaha thats funny. I seen him on a couple of One on One episodes, he was hilarious at times.

But I dare you doubt my blackness. When I make it big I'm going to do a rap song about computers and ipods.

Posted by HoodNigga on May 26, 07 2:53 am

Because I was at his concert and I touched his arm. Who's the dumbass now? Well it was always you so no worries. Jk. Anyways Yea I'm going to have to get on that job. We both need me to get it. You and ASP skills? I told Suz about that. How I think your the guy from the white and nerdy video on youtube. Just playing a black guy because you couldn't fit in with the gangsters. Where did this side of you come from? :O

Posted by freeflow on May 26, 07 2:46 am

Only reason I downloaded it was because it had Trey Songz in it, and then he took me by surprise. I like the first verse.

What Toya getting a Job. Gggggget it Toya. And yeah I need DSL really bad. I can't even brush up on my ASP skills because I need to download Windows Service Pack 2 which is 200 plus megs. =[

LMAO how do you know what MH looks like up close and personal if you never met him. *smh* JK

Posted by HoodNigga on May 26, 07 2:43 am

Ok thats it, as soon as I find a job I'm buying you DSL. I should get an award for that. *HINT HINT* Replacement girl is a good song, I was amazed. I can't believe that was him though! He looked a lot lighter. Doesn't matter none of his songs can be as good as Marques's . Who is PRETTY DAMN HOT up close.

Posted by freeflow on May 26, 07 2:37 am

Haha yeah thats him, because there is a video to replacement girl. I didn't know the kid could rap like that. Still waiting for this MP3 to load , Only at 1:35 , Donate to the UNKCF (United Negro KC Fund).

This Woman's work is one of my favs from Maxwell. I wonder what happened to him?

Posted by HoodNigga on May 26, 07 2:29 am

NO WAY HE WAS ON DEGRASSI ?? What the hizzle. I think the song your looking for is Replacement Girl. I love that song too.

See! I missed talking to my music buddy.
This womans work !

Posted by freeflow on May 26, 07 2:21 am

That guy Drake on the Get it Shawty Remix, is that the same guy that did a song with Trey Songz, and the same guy from the show Degrassi. I must have a listen and see.

Posted by HoodNigga on May 26, 07 2:12 am

Of course I'm the one with better taste. You should of know that already!

Posted by freeflow on May 25, 07 9:54 am

Haha Suzzette wasn't feeling my music. You have better taste in music than Suzzette. =P

Posted by HoodNigga on May 25, 07 9:18 am
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