
Comment history with z3nn1


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Ah yeah LOL hadn't realized it!

;] I am flying out tomorrow just having a very busy weekend before I left w00t.


Posted by z3nn1 on Jun 3, 07 4:17 am

What is GQ?

Posted by z3nn1 on Jun 2, 07 4:05 am

hey! sup?!

Posted by z3nn1 on Jun 1, 07 4:35 pm

Oh man, meditation will NEVER work on me! >< I am gonna try and relax.. read my notes before I sleep.. then wake up 4am and read my notes again before I leave at 7am argh ><

Thanks I shall try and be ZEN ;p


Posted by z3nn1 on May 28, 07 3:03 pm

hahaha nice idea you should keep doing that!

as for me.. er uber nervous >

Posted by z3nn1 on May 28, 07 11:37 am

Thanks for the encouragement. I am just re-writing stuff up on word and highlighting important stuff to remember. I dunno how I will get through it tomorrow >< we'll see.. sooo how you doin? :P

Posted by z3nn1 on May 28, 07 11:15 am

>< you can say that again, I dunno why I feel nervous about it and it's tomorrow!

Argh I need to pull myself together LOL.


Posted by z3nn1 on May 28, 07 3:10 am

Crap I meant NBA.. see I can't think properly atm :[

Posted by z3nn1 on May 27, 07 4:41 pm

aW it's choppy at your end? That's suck.. check it on my Imeem account, I have it on one of my playlists :]


Posted by z3nn1 on May 27, 07 4:29 pm

LOL KC I am like the BIGGEST procrastinateR like EVER!

Thankfully I have chosen like 5 topics I wanna talk about for my exam paper.. so I gonna prep up for that tonight and the entire day tomorrow.. I am just getting really lazy cause my trip is 1 week away! So yeah that excitement cannot be contain at this time LOL!

Dude you better HOLLA at me when you do get into NBS ;]


Posted by z3nn1 on May 27, 07 4:15 pm

haha say what? :P

man just woke up.. need to alot of studying today :[

hope you're doing good :]


Posted by z3nn1 on May 27, 07 2:56 am

Awesome, I don't use Imeem alot like I used to.. cause myspace for some reason filtered their site so that no user can embed their players on their profiles [But I know a way you can LOL] but still I don't like how I can't choose different players- only colours or desgins and it's too big for a player. I like myflashfetish they give you choices.. but yeah I shall add you :]


Posted by z3nn1 on May 26, 07 3:51 am

p.s. I am coming down to states 4 weeks ahead of my parents, we're supposed to be attending my relative's engagement partayyyyy. sooo yeah just gonna chill out there in the East Coast :D

Posted by z3nn1 on May 25, 07 6:13 pm

Yeah it kinda sucks that I still have exams, but cause its my final year they brought the exams a month ahead.. usually we'd finish school end of july, so in a sense I am kinda lucky to finish next tuesday and then fly out literally 5 days after :]

HAHA yeah I was kind nervous about it.. but I am getting hand of it.. ;O you got Imeem? Dude you have not added me [I think LOL]


Posted by z3nn1 on May 25, 07 6:12 pm

Aw I am not getting my graduation till November!! But find out my results in July/August.. I only have one more exam to do next Tuesday andddddddd then on the 4th June I am flying out to the States xD just really excited about it.. argh LOL.

How you been anyways? I am actually glad CB got it's own networking thing.. just awesome to keep in touch for busy person like myself lol.

Posted by z3nn1 on May 25, 07 1:19 pm

Hey KC!!!!! :]
Miss talking to you!! :[


Posted by z3nn1 on May 25, 07 1:02 pm
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